Similar Words Quiz for English Learners

Do you understand the differences in meaning between these very similar words?

Vocabulary. Getty Images
1. I hope our services ______ your expectations.
2. All the children are coming _____ John.
3. The professor was given ______ to materials in the research library.
4. Some people feel that his _____ to the President was unnecessary.
5. Are we _____ to leave on vacation?
6. Is there _____ we can put off the meeting until tomorrow?
7. The outcome of the project was entirely _____. He planned every step!
8. The police threatened to _____ the faulty goods.
9. Jack felt _____ the outcome would be in his favor.
10. What are you wearing for your Halloween ______?
11. I ordered ______ even though I was already full.
12. The lawyer would like to ______ a response from his client.
13. Congratulations! You are ______ for the grand prize.
14. He is an ______ expert in his field.
15. I didn't _____ the solution. I just guessed!
16. Did they win or _____ the game last week?
17. His voice made an amazing _____ impression.
Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You got: % Correct. You Really Know Your Words!
I got You Really Know Your Words!. Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You know your English!. Andrew Rich / Vetta / Getty Images

Congratulations! It's clear you understand subtle differences in meaning with these words that are very similar. Good job! I'd suggest you keep working by studying idioms and expressions in context, or perhaps you'd like to take another confusing words quiz. Keep up the good work!

Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You got: % Correct. You Understand a Fair Share of Words
I got You Understand a Fair Share of Words. Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You've done well on your lessons. Anton Violin / Moment / Getty Images

 It's clear you understand a number of the differences between words that are very similar. Still, there's some work that still needs to be done. Don't worry, you'll understand them all if you keep practicing! You might want to take this confusing words quiz to test some other vocabulary. 

Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You got: % Correct. These Words are Hard!
I got These Words are Hard!. Similar Words Quiz for English Learners
You'll need to study more!. John Fedele / Blend Images / Getty Images

You didn't do very well, but that's OK because these words are really hard! Review the explanations and you'll be on your way to learning more of these words. Build your vocabulary with mindmaps and other tools to help you remember the words you learn!