Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL

Complete the gap to finish the idiomatic phrase

Snug as a Bug in a Rug. Hero Images / Getty Images
1. I hate to throw _______ on your idea, but do you really think she will approve?
2. Once in a ______ I go to the theater.
3. Remember, half a ____ is better than none!
4. Let's meet with Harry. We can kill two ____ with one stone.
5. Tom blew the ______ on his colleague's illegal actions.
6. They're selling computers ____ cheap at Jack's Tech Shop.
7. If you need him, he can turn on a ____ and help you immediately.
8. I love sitting in front of an open fire. I feel as snug as ____ in a rug.
9. It doesn't help to remind him. It just goes in _____ and out the other.
10. Doesn't it seem like they are giving you ______ when you call tech support?
Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL
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You know your English!. Andrew Rich / Vetta / Getty Images

Congratulations! You know a number of common idiomatic expressions in English. Keep it up by learning idioms in context or using other resources on the site.  

Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL
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I got Good Job, Keep it Up!. Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL
You've done well on your lessons. Anton Violin / Moment / Getty Images

You understand many of these idiomatic phrases in English, but I hope you've learned some more. Remember:

The early bird gets the worm, so it's best to continue learning idiomatic language to help you in the future. 

You can also study idioms in context with these stories that include definitions and short quizzes. 

Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL
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I got Idioms are Hard!. Idiomatic Phrases Quiz - ESL
You'll need to study more!. John Fedele / Blend Images / Getty Images

Idiomatic language can be very hard because the words don't really mean what they say! That's OK.

The early bird gets the worm, so get to work on learning more idioms. 

You can also study idioms in context with these stories that include definitions and short quizzes.