Phrasal Verbs with Put - ESL Quiz

Complete the gap to choose the correct phrasal verb with 'put'

Raising a Hand
Put Your Hand Up. Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images
1. I think you should put the blue sweater ____. It's cold outside.
2. How can you put ___ with your brother? He's impossible!
3. I need to put _________ some money for hard times.
4. I think I'll put _______ that project until next week. I'm just too tired to do it today.
5. We put our son __________ college. It cost a lot of money!
6. Could you please put the heating ____? It's cold in here!
7. Could you please put Mr Thomson _____? (on the telephone)
8. Do you think you could put my friend John ___ for the night?
9. Are you putting me ____? You must be kidding!
10. Would it put you ____ too much if I asked for a favor?
11. Could I put _____ you for a moment?
12. Were you able to put your ideas _____?
13. I couldn't put the book _____. It was so suspenseful!
14. I didn't want to put you _____ so much pain.
15. Please put your claim ____ to the appropriate authorities.
Phrasal Verbs with Put - ESL Quiz
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You know your English!. Andrew Rich / Vetta / Getty Images

You know a lot of phrasal verbs with 'put'. Congratulations! Remember that phrasal verbs can be transitive (take an object) or intransitive (not take an object) and separable and inseparable. You can study more phrasal verbs with this reference list

Phrasal Verbs with Put - ESL Quiz
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You've done well on your lessons. Anton Violin / Moment / Getty Images

You understand a number of phrasal verbs with 'put', but there are certainly more that you can learn. Remember that phrasal verbs are separable when they separate to take an object or inseparable when they must stay together.

He picked me up. = separable

I picked through the selection. = inseparable. 

Phrasal Verbs with Put - ESL Quiz
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Keep working on your studies.. Frank and Helena / Cultura / Getty Images

You'll need to study more phrasal verbs with 'put', but that's OK. In fact, there are thousands of phrasal verbs, so take your time! Remember that phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. Learn how to study phrasal verbs and continue learning.

He picked me up. = separable

I picked through the selection. = inseparable.